

About The Integrated Schools Movement- How We Show Up

Following on our first webinar, The Integrated Schools Movement: Where We Begin, we invite you to an in-depth conversation about HOW we, as parents and caregivers with racial or economic privilege, work to center anti-racist integration when we arrive in integrating schools.In this first part we will share firsthand stories of PTA paralysis, recruitment rollercoasters, and more!The webinar will be live streamed on a private YouTube page. Register now, and we'll send you a link on the 19th.

Prior to the webinar, we wanted to share just a few resources that might make the webinar more meaningful.  If you don't get to it, we think it will still be great, but if you have the time, these few resources may make the experience even more rich.  

video of our first webinar - Where We Begin

If audio is easier, an edit of our first webinar was just released as a podcast

We will be drawing heavily on Tema Okun's Characteristics of White Supremacy

You can hear Ms. Okun discuss some of these on The Radical Bureaucrat Podcast.  

For even more, you can check out the resource list from our first webinar. 

We can't wait to see you on Monday evening!